Friday, December 9, 2011


Hello everyone! It is difficult to type everything that I wish I could because I only have enough money for about 30 minutes on the computer right now, and I have already used 20 minutes checking my facebook/email. I´ll explain everything later....
For now, just know that I am safe and doing well. Life here has been so crazy, but I´m starting to get a small grasp on it.
Anyway, what I really want to do is start this blog off with the 4 main goals I have for the next 2 years.

1. I would like to gain a better understanding of the 4 JVC core values of community, simple living,
spirituality, and social justice, incorporating them into my life and relationships in a healthy way. (I
realize this is a very broad goal, but oh well.)
2. I want learn more about the culture and lives of the people in Nicaragua, especially of the women
that I will be working with at my job site. Relationships are very important to me, as I believe
that it is through relationships that we find God. Also, I know there is a lot that I can learn from these
3. I have always wanted to become fluent in another language, so hopefully I will have some mad
Spanish-speaking abilities by the time I get back.
4. I want to gain more strength and confidence in myself and my abilites.

Well, I know you were probably expecting more, but that is all for now. Know that I love you all, and that you are in my thoughts!


1 comment:

  1. Great to hear from you! Thanks for the update. Please keep them in English :)
    Love you!
